Right now the Jim Brady organization is hammering Concealed
Carry, as well as Florida's so-called "stand your ground" law.
They're HAMMERING it. I just heard a representative of the Brady organization
on the radio today, very ANGRILY attacking the Second Amendment and claiming
that responsible gun ownership is contributing to a MENTALITY OF VIOLENCE that
I don't know about you, but when I show my gun, everything
EXCEPT violence happens. When I meet and talk with gun owners who ARE carrying
concealed and who ARE openly carrying a Glock in a side holster, we have the
most pleasant conversations imaginable.
The anti-gunners claim that WE (gun owners) are living in
Well, again, I don't know about all of you, but I'm probably
the LEAST FEARFUL individual on my street, if not in my town. And it's not a
gun that gives me courage — it's not a weapon of ANY KIND that gives me
courage. You know what Gunny Ermey would say: "It is the HARD HEART that
kills." And I don't care WHAT weapon is available or not available. If
anti-gunners had their way and banned all public gun ownership, then we'd
become a nation of swordsmen. Ban the swords and we'll go to knives. Ban knives
and we'll switch to clubs.
Because It's the HARD HEART that Kills, not the weapon of
the moment.
How much is a family worth? It's worth whatever you happen
to pick up to defend it. In my case, I want the most awesome weapon available,
okay? Unfortunately, I can't afford an AA12 Combat Shotgun; but, if I could
afford it and the numerous registrations and permits required, I'd have an
And that's not because I'm afraid. It's because I know who's
out there. Frankly, violent criminals don't concern me that much, because
that's one-on-one, or maybe two-on-one, and I can handle that.
Hell, I used to be a bouncer in a strip club, and that's a WHOLE DIFFERENT kind
of bouncing.
You know what concerns me? It's the criminals in high
office, it's the anti-gun lobby, it's the movement to DESTROY our
Constitutional Rights. And when you speak out about what the Second Amendment
DOESN'T say, you're actually exposing your IGNORANCE of what it DOES say.
Flat-footed, the Second Amendment says that a WELL REGULATED
Militia comprised of ARMED CITIZENS is necessary to the Security of a Free
State. It says BECAUSE a Militia is necessary, the Central Government SHALL NOT
INFRINGE on the citizens' RIGHT to KEEP and BEAR arms.
Do you understand the IMPORT of the Second Amendment? It's
NOT saying that A Police Force or National Guard is an acceptable SUBSTITUTE
for armed citizens.
Do you know why?
It's because every police force and every National Guard
outfit in the country OBEYS the Central Government. We know that when FEMA went
into New Orleans, they brought in U.S. Marshals and Oklahoma National Guard and
New Orleans Policemen to go door-to-door and disarm the citizens.
When the Central Government goes BAD, goes CORRUPT, starts
oppressing the citizenry, WHO is going to come to the rescue? The CENTRAL
Hell no.
The Second Amendment establishes the NECESSITY of a
NON-GOVERNMENTAL Citizen's Militia. The term "well-regulated" has
been used by anti-gunners for DECADES to attack this amendment. But if you
understand the spirit of the amendment, you know the Founders weren't going to
hand the organization of the Citizens Militia over to the GOVERNMENT. Because
the Citizens Militia is NECESSARY to secure a free state when the Central
Government goes bad.
Anti-gunners just assume the Central Government is always
RIGHT and BENEVOLENT, they assume the Central Government is going to establish
a perimeter around the USA with watchtowers and high fences and sharpshooters to
protect the 300 MILLION unarmed American people, right? And, in truth, they
don't want a SOVEREIGN United States, they want an ASSIMILATED American Union,
with free trade and no religion and everybody hold hands and sing Kumbaya.
Anti-gunners are spineless idiots.
So, when I hear somebody say, "The Second Amendment
doesn't say anything about concealed carry," that's when I come back and
say, "Go peddle your anti-gun propaganda somewhere else."
The Second
Amendment WANTS GUNS in the HANDS of CITIZENS so that we can FIGHT BACK against
an oppressive and tyrannical Central Government. Not against a foreign power,
not against a foreign invader, but against OUR OWN GOVERNMENT.
Only GUN LAWS have made a distinction between concealed and
open carry. This falls under the heading of INFRINGING on our RIGHT to keep and
bear arms. Come to think of it, the MAJORITY of the 23,000 gun laws in America
are UNCONSTITUTIONAL under the Second Amendment.
Pardon, but KEEPING and BEARING ARMS is our American RIGHT,
and I don't care if it's a shoulder holster or an ankle holster or a paddle
down in your pants, it is OUR RIGHT to KEEP and BEAR ARMS.
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